Wednesday, July 24, 2013

A Lesson in Sharing

Sometimes, Owen just isn't in the mood to share.  This is one of those times!

Six Month Stats

Owen and Maren had their six month check-up today.  Their stats are below.  You would never guess they were premature!

Head Circ.
18 lb 3 oz
27.8 in
17.8 in
16 lb 8 oz
27.3 in
17.5 in

The shots made for a very sleepy afternoon!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Highland Fest

Josh was out of town this weekend, so the kiddos and I spent the weekend with my parents and brother.  It was Highland Fest, so we loaded up the double stroller and spent some time in Highland Park.  We had great food, and Owen and Maren enjoyed the petting zoo and live music.  It turns out, Owen is quite the dancer!  There were even some tears when we steered the stroller away from the music. 

Here are some pictures of our weekend.

Enjoying Highland Fest

Checking out the petting zoo with Aunt Annie. Owen was especially excited to see all the animals!

After Highland Fest, we stopped by a park to try out the swings for the first time. 

Finally, who wants to pinch these cheeks?

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Giggles, Rolls and a Tooth

We have a few exciting updates:

  • Owen rolled from his tummy to his back this week, and the smile that happens every time he accomplishes this is precious.
  • Maren's first tooth popped through. She is now the proud owner of one bottom tooth.
  • Maren also figured out how to roll from her back to her tummy.  It's only a matter of time before she realizes that she is able to roll and roll and roll. . . .

Finally, it was a very ticklish day at our house today.  Maren tickled her brother's feet. . . with her hair. Check out the video here.   Then, Dad decided to get Maren back, and she giggled.  In all this excitement, they missed an afternoon nap, so bedtime came very early tonight. 

A Corgi Birthday

Cooper turned four years old today.  He has had quite the year! Two little babies shook up his world, and a partially torn ligament landed him in physical therapy a couple times a week.  Through all of this, he remains the same loud, happy Corgi.  We may not be able to give him as much attention now, but we still celebrated his birthday with lots of treats and presents!

The bag and tissue would have been enough, but there is a gift inside. 

So close. . . 


You would think the birthday boy would be the one falling asleep at dinner, but it was this girl!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

A Boy and his Dog

Owen doesn't mind tummy time. . . as long as he can see Cooper. 


Maren has started to shake her head. We don't really know why, but it's funny! Check it out here.

Also, Owen really, really, really likes to eat.  Sometimes, we just aren't fast enough for him.  Here's our not-so-patient boy

Monday, July 8, 2013

Six Months Old!

Owen and Maren are six months old!  As you can see, we have happy babies! You can't hear it, but we also have very loud babies, who do a lot of giggling and squealing.  We spend a lot of our time trying to get giggles out of these little ones - there is a lot of embarrassing singing and dancing happening in our house right now.  Cooper just has to walk by, though, and they both squeal.  He's currently the favorite "toy." 

Here are a few other pictures taken recently. 

Maren seems to like the color purple, so we had a purple day.

A very cute father/son moment

 Both Owen and Maren have realized recently that they can take Dad's glasses off. . . and chew on them.  

Sunday, July 7, 2013

First Trip to the Pool!

Today, we met Laura, Ryan, Jack and Annalee at our neighborhood pool and took the twins swimming for the first time.  It was a perfect day for it, and Owen and Maren loved it!  They spent an hour and a half in the pool before getting a little hungry and sleepy.

One of the best parts of the day was putting Jack's old sunglasses on Owen.  They have a band that go all the way around his head, so they actually stay on.  Owen is a much happier baby outside with these sunglasses on.  Thank you, Jack!

Owen and Josh all ready to go!

Owen was a little nervous at first, but he was loving it a few minutes later. 

Maren wasn't quite ready for her first swim when we arrived at the pool.

Maren did wake up and join the party eventually.  It took her a little bit longer to warm up to the water, but as long as she could swim with mom, she was happy.  

A family photo

Owen showing off his new sunglasses.

A sweet little smile from Maren

They both fell asleep on our 5 minute car ride home!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

The Fourth of July

On the Fourth of July ,we met Josh's parents and brother at Wild River State Park.  It was a gorgeous day for a the twins' first picnic.

The kiddos were pretty warm after a walk, so they got to hang out in their diapers for a bit. 

Maren had a minor melt-down but pulled it together to take a couple family photos.